Welcome to Job Q&A From the Trenches! We answer your questions on building a resume, interviewing, searching for jobs and more – just ask! Q: There are a bunch of big, famous companies I’d love to work for — I watch their job boards like a hawk, but never see any openings that fit my skill set.
Welcome to Job Q&A From the Trenches! We answer your questions on building a resume, interviewing, searching for jobs and more – just ask! Q: I think the ‘endorsements’ on LinkedIn are great – but do hiring managers pay attention to them? A: The endorsements feature on LinkedIn allows your connections to validate you for certain skills
Welcome to Job Q&A From The Trenches! We answer your questions on building a resume, interviewing, searching for jobs – just ask! Q: A friend of mine has a really fun resume, with all sorts of color, interesting fonts, and images. She said she gets loads of interviews with it. But I heard the best resume style
On a first date, both parties wear their game faces. It’s hard to tell if a year later will find them bored, decked in sweatpants, slouched on the couch, ordering pizza and watching NCIS…again. The same goes for the interview process. Both interviewer and candidate are at their best. How can you tell if this ‘first
Finding a new or better job is often at the top of many New Year’s resolution lists. (Where does your resolution rank? http://www.usa.gov/Citizen/Topics/New-Years-Resolutions.shtml) Combine that with the current unemployment rate, and you’ve got a lot of people on the hunt. Don’t let this daunt you – own it, and make your resolution a reality by using
According to The Holmes & Rahe Stress Scale, losing your job rates a 47 out of 100. While losing your job is not the end of the world, sometimes it feels that way. We can never be fully prepared for what the world throws at us, but we can try! While you’re job hunting, think Murphy’s