Name? Check. Contact info listed? Check. Your LinkedIn photo?
It sounds like a good idea, but you should not include ANY photographs on your resume – unless, of course, you’re a model or actor. By including details that don’t belong, your resume is saying “Hey, I’m unprofessional over here!”. Your resume must be professional-sounding and aligned correctly to show you’re a good fit for the role. We’ve got ways for you to achieve this.
Check out this article on (where we’ve been quoted!) and read our advice in “13 Ways Your Resume Can Say I’m Unprofessional”. We show how to improve your resume and keep your job search professional. A great reference for you to use during your job hunt!
Getting personal is not professional
Married for 10 years? You have 3 kids and go to church every weekend? These personal tidbits should be left off your resume. Recruiters and hiring managers only spend SIX SECONDS reviewing your resume – and they need to see what you bring to the table in that tiny window of opportunity! (You can check out the study here: “What a Recruiter Really Sees”)
You need to grab and hold their attention in this short time. Personal details may make a hiring manager skip over you and move on.
Show you have what it takes
Now, what you SHOULD include:
- Focus your resume on the jobs you’re applying for. You have limited space – use it efficiently and wisely to tailor it to your current job search.
- Demonstrate what YOU can contribute to a company – not what you expect to get out of the job.
- Highlight your quantifiable achievements. Use actual numbers and real figures to measure your potential in number form.
Keep your resume professional by applying these suggestions to help you make the best first impression – and get that interview.
And be sure to check out the article “13 Ways Your Resume Can Say I’m Unprofessional” where we offer more advice!
Good luck, and let us know how else we can help!
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